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Zdjęcie autoraPaweł Łukasz

Daily Rutine

Hello again :) Today I would like to talk more about life anyhow use most of it.

I fully understand that many people don't have much much time as I have wasting your potential isn't great.

I workout 3 times in week. I train by split program.

Mondays : Chest + Biceps Wendays: Shoulders + Triceps Fridays: Back + Legs From Diet side I dont keep it closely but I should.

8-10am : Oatmeal 50g +Milk + Protein 30g + Walnuts 20g + Coconut shreds 15-17: Ready healthy meal (Example photo below)

20-22: Some candies / Sandwitch (tomato, thin meat slices, healthy bread ) with yogurts

Example of healthy meal in my grocery store

Cycling part.


I love to ride a bike like a lot, but unfortunatly I dont have that much time. Everyday I do same route over and over

In one journey I make 15km in 80 minutes

Here most of my cycling routine

Mondays: 15km

Tuesday: 30km

Wensday: 15km

Thursday: 30km

Friday: 15km

------- Extra: Saturday: 30-50km

Sunday : unknown

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